Lilly Asia Ventures (LAV) is a leading biomedical venture capital firm, with offices in Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Palo Alto. Originated in 2008 as a corporate venture subsidiary of Eli Lilly, we spun off and became an independent investment management company. As one of the earliest biomedical venture investors in China, we have been consistently investing in the region for over a decade, and have recently increased our footprint in the U.S. Our team of over 30 distinguished scientific or medical investment, and operational professionals embrace a culture of integrity, entrepreneurship, and team work. Currently, we manage over $1.2 billion of committed capital. LAV has significant resources in China, with extensive local expertise in preclinical and clinical development, regulatory knowhow, and market insights. We also have strong global perspective and connections, driven by the consolidated experience of our team members overseas as well as our network of scientific advisors. By combining our China